Admire the beauty of a country by touching it with your hands


Sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing play a fundamental role in our travel experiences and contact with the outside worldThe contemporary tourist is more and more a traveler, want to “feel at home”, discover the most authentic features and transfer the experience of traveling in a personal dimension that is not standardized. Yourself was born placing this goal: meet the need that everyone has, he wants do what he likes and not what others do like is commonplace: no walking tour, no guided tours, nothing at all of this. FINALLY you do WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO. Living the place, the people, the art, the music, the good and the less good of that place as if you are local; discover a place where you feel at home, where you recognize yourself or not, it is important to be comfortable with oneselves. 

Try to listen, to appropriate of yourself and you’ll see what can really make you happy, satisfied, grateful,7035-olfatto-uno-dei-cinque-sensi-jpg-preview-default and unique … yes, because each of us is unique; maybe we can be like someone in features but what we really are inside makes us unique and special. 
Yourself made through the desires that for lack of time you never confided to yourself, those that you hold in the famous drawer closed even if it was just for discretion, caution, or simply for good luck, fearing that revealing them would not return to their the true uniqueness.

If this is what you think you are the traveler I’m trying!